Love Letters . 2010

Love texts such as "Me waiting for You, Me adoring You", "You observing Me, You saving Me" etc. are embroidered with white string on sturdy sheets of etching paper.
By folding the paper in half and placing it under the etching press with a maximum pressure, the love quotes flow into each other. The workpieces have two equal sides, they have no front and back side.
The Love Letters series of works are developed at the graphic studio Daglicht in Eindhoven during a year long working period. Commissioned by the City Art Center of Rotterdam with the aim to experiment with graphic technics in big size.
Love Letter (me - you) . 2010
embroidery, blind stamping on paper
120 x 160 cm

Love Letter (me - you) backside

You kidding Me / Me playing with You . 2010
embroidery, blind stamping on paper
80 x 50 cm

You kidding Me / Me playing with You backside . 2010
embroidery, blind stamping on paper
80 x 50 cm

graphic studio Daglicht, Eindhoven