Similar but not the Same . 2023

The sense of uniqueness that we experience as individuals and at the same time the awareness of our common destiny is something that often concerns me in my work. Each life has its own uniqueness and its own path but as humanity we follow the same direction and our fate is more shared than we would like.
My work evolves more through series of works. When I am fascinated by something, I rarely make just one piece. I usually work in modules that last for years or come back from time to time. The repetition or more precisely the variation on a theme gives me focus, the time I need to think about the content of the work and an incredible freedom. Although nowadays repetition sounds like a restriction. I do not feel it this way, because it is the result of my free choice.
The techniques I use, also a conscious choice, are those of the time-consuming ?hand-made’. The repetition forces me to lower the speed of my thinking to the reality of what is possible. Something that often frustrates me. Because I feel I am going against the tempo of the times, but which I find necessary because it helps me to delve deeper into what I am concerned about and brings me closer to the essence of my subject.
I consider the time it takes to make each piece part of the materials from which it is made.

Maria Ikonomopoulou 24/7/2023 Similar but not the Same 1. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut

Similar but not the Same 2. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut

Similar but not the Same 3. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut

Similar but not the Same 4. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut

Similar but not the Same 5. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut

Similar but not the Same 6. 2023
newspapers, Japanese acid free paper, embroidery, acid free cardboard 40 x 30 cm © photo : Hans Wilschut